21 Mayıs 2016 Cumartesi

   Recyle today, for a better tomorrow    

    Reduce,Recycle,Reuse are very important 3Rs in our life and our enviroment.These are the key words for good world.their aims and concepts are same.

  First of all,I want to explain Reduce.It means to use things less and carefully.We can do very simple things for it.We have to prefer things that they do not need alot of packing.We do not use cars because cars causes air pollution.We can walk or we can use buses.We can use electronic mails for reducing waste paper.We have to turn off lights and we have to water carefully.We must use natural resources economicly.




Todays wastage,tomorrows shortage


  Secondly,I will explain Reuse.I means to use items again and again.Before throw out things to the garbage we have to think carefully.We can renovate items and use again.We can give our cloths or our things to other people.We can use both sides of paper.

Better Earth ,better life,better tomorrow

   Thirdly, I want to tell something about recycle.It means to make new things from old things.We have to buy or use things that they can be recycled.We have to seperate our garbage(plastics,glass,paper,etc) at home.


Finally,3Rs are for green world.They are not difficult things.These are very important for everybody that is why we have to  explain their importance to the people near us.



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